
Showing posts from August, 2017

Bearfoot barbwire tightrope walking, drinking hot cobra blood and anchoring a 4 x 100m gazelle relay squad.

So, things are hotting up and as 3Peaks gets closer, with just over 4 weeks left. I've really tried to concentrate on conditioning my body for the rigors of the event this year so far. So i've been doing lots of hill walking, a fair bit of hill running (I'm trying to ensure I run do around 40 reps of Borough Hill a week) as well as trying to ensure I do enough miles on the bike. I've been helping a friend with some black paving too, which has strengthened up my upper body in a more dynamic approach, rather than sitting in a gym. I've not concentrated of the speed of hill running yet, more about conditioning my legs and ankles for it. I've been motor paced once a week (36 miles averaging 27mph on the cross bike) to get my speed on the bike. Moving closer to the event, I'll drop the volume of riding and increase my speed of hill running